Conductix-Wampfler č leader mondiale nella progettazione e realizzazione di sistemi di trasmissione di energia e gestione dati per tutti i tipi di utenze mobili.
Collettori rotanti, Collettori rotanti a fibra ottica, Avvolgitori motorizzati e a molla, Festoni, Barre Conduttrici, Cavi, Sistemi di trasferimento induttivo di potenza, Ricarica induttiva delle batterie, Contatti di ricarica, Sistemi di trasmissione e gestione dati, Radiocomandi.
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Company Presentation
As a world?s leading manufacturer of mobile Energy Supply and Data Management systems we are supporting our customers in a wide range of markets. Our products and solutions set the benchmark in many applications like Intralogistics, Automotive, Container Handling, Material Handling, Transit or Cable Machinery. We see the big picture and find the optimal solution to answer your Power Supply and Data Transmission needs.Conductix-Wampfler - We Move Your Business!
Jay Radio Remote Controls

The Jay line for Remote Controls from Conductix-Wampfler provides safely radio communications to ensure the mobility of humans and industrial equipment safely and efficiently even in the harshest environments.