
Trend & Topics

A shared look at the future of industrial automation

Trend 2024 (Vantaggi)

Generative AI in manufacturing

Generative AI is not just ChatGPT: thanks to the ability to create new data starting from existing data, the use of generative models allows you to optimize processes, improve efficiency and reduce costs. Possible applications include generative design, where AI uses the data and specifications provided to generate hundreds or thousands of variations of optimized designs; predictive maintenance, where generative AI can predict failures or maintenance issues before they occur, based on historical data and machine learning models; the simulation of production processes; logistics optimization.

Industry 5.0: sustainable, human centric and resilient production

Whether you understand it as an evolution of Industry 4.0 or think of it as a new paradigm, Industry 5.0 emphasizes three pillars that are unquestionably among the priorities of manufacturing: sustainability (environmental, social and economic), humancentrism and resilience.

Green manufacturing

The growing social attention to environmental protection, also driven by the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, pushes the industry to search for solutions that allow it to reduce the use of resources and change the concept of waste, moving from a linear model to a circular vision. In this scenario, digital technologies play a central role as enablers of an increasingly smart and green factory.

New business models

The acceleration of technological progress and the increasingly rapid evolution of demand dynamics represent a strong stimulus to the adoption of more flexible and service-oriented models to replace those traditionally based on the production and sale of physical products. Thinking of the product as a service not only allows you to create recursive revenue flows, but also allows you to build deeper relationships with customers, to differentiate yourself from the competition and to best position yourself to seize the opportunities offered by the market.

Upskilling & reskilling

If technologies are the engine of innovation, skills are the fuel that allows this engine to run at its best. In a historical moment that is witnessing the advent of large and rapid transformations, the opportunity to train and update staff to enable them to operate better with new technologies appears more evident than ever.