Indu-Sol - Specialista in reti OT
Le reti si stanno trasformando sempre più in un asset critico per le macchine e le attrezzature attuali. Allo stesso tempo, i requisiti per la pianificazione, la messa in funzione e il funzionamento di queste reti stanno aumentando, spesso in misura superiore alle risorse disponibili all'interno di un'azienda.
È qui che entra in gioco Indu-Sol: l'azienda supporta i clienti dei più svariati settori come partner pratico e fonte di preziosa esperienza per l'intero ciclo di vita di una rete. Come azienda tecnologica attiva a livello internazionale, Indu-Sol è un fornitore chiave di infrastrutture di rete affidabili per la produzione (tecnologia operativa/OT) e l'IT industriale (IIT). Nelle fasi di pianificazione e nelle sessioni di consulenza, l'azienda fornisce ai suoi clienti anche le conoscenze necessarie per definire i requisiti specifici delle reti per l'automazione industriale, rispetto alle reti IT.
Networks are increasingly turning into a critical asset for current machines and equipment. At the same time, the requirements for planning, commissioning, and operation of these networks are increasing, frequently in excess of the resources available within a company.
This is where Indu-Sol comes in: the company supports customers from a wide variety of industries as a hands-on partner and source of valuable experience over the entire life cycle of a network. As an internationally active technology business, Indu-Sol is not only a key supplier of reliable network infrastructure for production (operational technology/OT) and industrial IT (IIT). In planning discussions and consultation session, the company also provides its customers with the knowledge necessary for defining the specific requirements of networks for industrial automation, as opposed to IT networks.
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Highly functional network communication - performance without compromise

PROmesh switches range includes three product families of high-performance indus- trial switches for all applications and every environmental situation. Permanently in-stalled in the control cabinet or decentrally in the field for IP67 environments. Above-average quality, performance and ver-satility in use are features taken for granted with the PROmesh series products. Many products are already equally usable for PROFINET and Ethernet/IP.
Your bridge to digitalization - D*Bridge and SIEDS

With its self-learning teach mode and intelligent alarm management, the SIEDS sensor can be used for any type of condition monitoring in predictive maintenance and offers the possibility to evaluate a wide variety of assets in the industrial environment. The D*Bridge is an intelligent bridge device, which connects two or more fieldbuses on the OT level to one network.