SPS Italia platform information
User Rules and Privacy Policy
- What the user can do on the platform
1.1 Foreword
The SPS Italia website (hereinafter also referred to as the Platform) is a platform designed to enable:
- exhibitors to create their own company profile where they can upload their products, solutions and other content;
- users can access the aforementioned content posted by exhibitors, as well as content posted directly by MFI or otherwise present on the Platform, get in touch with exhibitors to request more product information and make appointments;
- exhibitors and users to get in touch with each other.
In addition, as of 2022, tickets for the SPS Italia trade fair can only be generated via the Platform, through the 'Ticketing' section of the Platform.
By registering on the SPS Italia site, the user (the User) has, therefore, the possibility to have visibility of all registered exhibitors, to access all the content uploaded on the Platform and to get in touch with exhibitors in the ways indicated below and to generate tickets for the SPS Italia exhibition.
Membership of the Platform is only permitted for Users who have reached the age of majority.
If, as part of initiatives organised by educational institutions or other entities, access to the Platform is envisaged for minors, they will be able to access the Platform and use the services offered by the same limited to the initiatives organised by the educational institution or organising entity and under the supervision of the latter, after MFI has sent the educational institution/organising entity specific information and collected, where necessary, the consent of the holder(s) of parental responsibility for the minor.
1.2 Displaying content posted directly by companies
In particular, through registration the user can access content provided directly by exhibiting companies such as:
- Company profiles;
- Contact persons (Experts) of the companies;
- Products and solutions;
- Events and Webinars;
- Video On Demand;
- Press content;
- Job advertisements.
Responsible for this content are the exhibiting companies themselves, who adhere to the regulations and guidelines established by Messe Frankfurt Italia ("MFI"). MFI carries out periodic checks, at a stage following the upload of content by the exhibiting companies, and may decide to delete uploaded content if it is deemed not to comply with the purposes of the Platform and the provisions of these regulations, but in no case does MFI accept any responsibility for content uploaded by companies.
1.3 View content offered directly by MFI
Registration with the SPS Italia site also allows the User to access content uploaded directly by MFI such as:
- Events and Webinars;
- Video On Demand;
- Press contents;
- Downloads of scientific research, industry analysis or other work commissioned by MFI and carried out in partnership with other organisations (e.g. universities).
1.4 Content available on other platforms
On the SPS Italia website, users can also find information on content or events taking place on other platforms, e.g. MFI webinars held on Zoom Inc. or exhibitor-organised webinars held on streaming platforms selected independently by the individual exhibitor.
The enjoyment of such online events may require the sharing of some of the User's data with the streaming platform used. For the enjoyment of such events, therefore, the User's data may be automatically synchronised with the streaming service. In these cases, the User will always be informed during registration of this necessity and will be free to decide whether or not to participate in the event. In any case, the data shared with the streaming platform will always be only those strictly necessary to provide the service (e.g. first name, last name, e-mail) requested by the User. The sharing of data with the platform will, in any case, be carried out by MFI in full compliance with current legislation on the processing of personal data.
1.5 Data Sharing: getting in touch with exhibiting companies
As indicated above, by registering on the SPS Italia site, the User may, if he so wishes, get in touch with exhibitors in various ways:
- asking to be contacted by the exhibiting company;
- requesting more information on certain products;
- asking to be contacted by an 'Expert';
- agreeing to share your business card with exhibitors when registering for an event/webinar or activating on-demand content;
- making an appointment with an exhibiting company;
- by accepting the Exhibitor's invitation to a match-making service (see § 1.8 below).
- enabling the exhibitor to scan the trade fair entrance ticket via the official SPS Italia app (see 1.11.1)
In these cases, the data on the "business card" will be shared with the Exhibitor in order to allow the latter to contact the User and, only if the User has given prior and specific consent in this regard, to allow the Exhibitor to promote its products and services to the User (so-called third-party marketing), within the limits specified in the information notice made available to the User in accordance with the timeframes and procedures set out in Regulation (EU) 679/2016. Should the Exhibitor make a different use of the Users' data thus communicated, it shall be the Exhibitor's responsibility to provide suitable information and to collect, where applicable, the User's prior consent.
1.5.1 Content with mandatory sharing of User data
In relation to some of the content provided by the exhibitors (no more than 25%) the User may be required, as a condition for access to the content, to share their contact details (e.g. for some Video On Demand access to the content requires obligatory consent to the sharing of their data in order to view the content). In this case, the data requested will only be those on the User's business card, who will always be free to refuse access to the content and/or modify the data on their business card.
1.6 Contacting a Speaker at an online conference organised by Messe Frankfurt Italy
The User may send questions and/or requests to speakers involved in online conferences organised by MFI. The speakers will receive such questions/requests from the User by e-mail, together with the User's name, surname and e-mail address. This data will be processed by the speaker for the sole purpose of responding to the User's questions/requests.
1.7 Receiving regular updates on platform content
The User may choose to receive updates on content published on the Platform by e-mail.
1.8 Matchmaking Service
1.8.1 What Matchmaking consists of
The matchmaking service is a service that will be active as of 24 May 2021 and will enable Users registered for a given event - and who have given their consent when registering for the Platform - to get in touch with companies (exhibitors or other users) of possible interest to them.
This service operates by evaluating the information and preferences expressed by the User during registration (i.e. thematic topics and product categories) and the activities carried out by the same on the platform (e.g. user who has visited exhibitor pages or daughter pages) and, on the basis of this data, creates a list of Users who might be interested in the products/services of a given Exhibitor registered at the Event or in getting in touch with other user companies registered at the same event (the Suggested Contacts List).
The Exhibitor or other Users, at times when matchmaking is active, will be able to see the Suggested Contact List (which will contain data such as company name, first and last name, company function and the field of interest expressed by the User) and will be able to send a contact request to one or more of such Users. User feedback
1.8.2 User feedback
If the invitation is made by an Exhibitor
The User may:
- ignore it (in which case the User will be removed from the Suggested Contacts List and the Exhibitor will not be notified), or
- In this case, the Exhibitor will receive the User's business card data and will be able to contact the User via the platform's chat function or by e-mail.
If the invitation is from another user company
The User may:
- ignore it (in which case it will be removed from the Suggested Contacts List and the other user will not be notified), or
- accept it (in which case the User will be redirected to an appointment booking page where he/she can indicate the day and time of his/her choice). In this case, the other user will receive the User's business card data and will be able to contact him/her again via the platform's chat function or by e-mail.
1.8.3 Limitations
Each exhibitor and each company other user may only invite a specific user once. The invitation function is limited, i.e. each exhibitor and/or company other user can make a maximum number of invitations (e.g. 25 per day).
1.9 Automatically suggested content
In the event that the User, when registering to the Platform or subsequently, has provided specific consent to the display of content and companies in line with the business of the company for which he/she works and on the basis of the information and preferences specified by him/her when registering (i.e. thematic topics and product categories), as well as on the activities carried out by him/her on the platform, MFI may show him/her content in line with such preferences (e.g. the user in the Automotive sector may more easily display Products, Events or Video on demand that the Exhibitor or MFI have categorised under that heading).
1.10 Inviting your contacts to register on www.spsitalia.it
Users can invite their contacts to register on the SPS Italia site by entering: first name, last name and e-mail of the person to be invited. These contacts will receive an automatic e-mail sent through the system, with a link to the account creation page. Messe Frankfurt Italia does not retain and use this data for any purpose other than to provide the sending service to those concerned. The user who uses this function assumes full responsibility for the legitimacy of the collection, entry and communication to MFI of the personal data of invited third parties and undertakes to hold MFI harmless and indemnified against any possible consequence and initiative of such parties, also in accordance with current legislation on the processing of personal data.
1.11 Ticket generation for the SPS Italy Fair
As of the 2022 edition, tickets for the SPS Italia trade fair (the "Trade Fair") may only be generated via the Platform. Therefore, if an individual wishes to participate in the Exhibition, they must register on the Platform, create their own account and proceed to generate the ticket via the Platform. It is possible for the User to proceed with the generation of multiple tickets (up to a maximum of 10) by indicating: first name, last name, role, company and email of the person for whom they are making the purchase. It is understood that, by availing of this option, the User assumes full and exclusive responsibility both with regard to the legitimacy of the collection, insertion and communication to MFI of the personal data of the third parties for whom they are making the purchase, and with regard to their acknowledgement of the privacy policy relating to the Event and the management of data through the Platform.
1.11.1 Data Sharing with Exhibitors by Scanning Exhibition Ticket
If the User consents to his/her ticket being scanned - via the event's official app or other software solutions made available by SPS Italia - by one or more exhibitors, such parties may process the User's personal data exclusively for commercial contacts at the stand pertaining to the Exhibition's product sectors. If, on the other hand, the User - when registering and/or scanning the ticket - has given his or her consent to the communication of data to third parties for the purpose of promoting their own products and services (so-called third party marketing), his or her personal data may also be processed by the exhibitor for the purpose of promoting its own products and services to the User. The collection of data/contact details outside of these conditions is not covered by the Ticketing Policy.
It shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor to inform the user of the purposes and methods of the processing carried out by him/her as autonomous data controller in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 679/2016.
1.12 Managing your account
1.12.1 Favourites, Activity Log and Calendar
The user can save content as 'Favourites' and export it for later offline consultation. The SPS Italia site will also offer the user an Activity Log in which the user can find the operations performed (e.g. contact request) and a calendar with appointments and registrations.
1.12.2 Changes to the Profile
The User may at any time change the data entered during registration and deactivate or activate optional functions, as well as manage and revoke the consent given.
1.12.3 Deleting one's account
At any time the User may contact MFI by writing to privacy@italy.messefrankfurt.com to proceed with the deletion of his/her account.
1.12.4 Retrieving and modifying access credentials
Users may also change their access credentials at any time.
- Obligations and Rules of Conduct of the User
2.1 Reliability
The user is obliged to enter data that faithfully corresponds to his or her person and role in the company. It is not permitted to create false or non-existent profiles or profiles on behalf of third parties. It is also prohibited to provide incorrect information about oneself or one's qualifications or work experience.
2.2 Appropriateness of Content
In the texts sent to exhibitors, the User is obliged to use professional and polite language, the contents of which must be appropriate.
2.3. Guidelines
Below are some guidelines for using the services offered by the SPS Italia site.
2.2.1 Reporting to MFI
Each User is requested to report to MFI any content that they feel does not comply with these guidelines.
2.2.2 Invitations to other contacts
Users are obliged to invite to register only persons they know directly or who have been suggested to them by contacts they trust.
2.2.3 Relevance of Message Content
Texts sent to exhibitors by the User must be relevant and relevant, i.e. consistent with both the activity carried out by the exhibiting company and the reasons why the User wishes to get in touch with the Exhibitor.
2.2.4 Irrelevant content
In the texts sent to the Exhibitors, the User is obliged not to include comments, opinions or other content that would make them misleading or conceal an unlawful motive and, in general, content that is not relevant as stated above.
2.2.5 Prohibited Content
In the texts sent to Exhibitors it is strictly forbidden to include content, whether expressions or images, that is offensive (such as nude images or pornographic material), that is likely to harass, abuse or send unsolicited communications (e.g. solicitation, junk mail, spam, phishing), that is of a political nature, that incites hatred or violence, that constitutes bullying, etc., that is harmful to copyrights, trademarks, private information or trade secrets of third parties, etc., etc. which are harmful to copyrights, trademarks, private information or the trade secrets of third parties.
2.3 Promotion of irrelevant or competitive content
- Prohibition of promoting sectors other than the Industrial Automation sector
It is strictly forbidden to use the SPS Italia website to promote content other than Industrial Automation and related sectors.
- Ban on promoting content of MFI's competitors
It is strictly forbidden to use the SPS Italia site to promote content from MFI's competitors.
- Measures by MFI
Although MFI is not obliged to check Users' profiles and texts sent to the Exhibitors, it reserves the right to check the User's compliance with the above rules (Paragraph 2) and, in the event of violation, to delete - after prior notice by e-mail - the profiles of Users who violate the above rules, and to take action for compensation for any damages suffered as a result of the User's conduct.
- Technical Aspects
MFI is committed to ensuring the highest standards of technical operability of the Platform and to intervene as quickly as possible to resolve any errors or problems.
MFI is not liable for any damage caused by technical problems with the Platform.
- Data Security
MFI is committed to protecting Users' data by using systems and procedures designed to prevent fraudulent or illegitimate use of the information stored and by applying technical and organisational measures that ensure a level of security appropriate to the risks.
- Processing of personal data through the SPS Italia site
6.1 Type of data collected
Following the User's registration and use of the SPS Italia website (the "Platform"), MFI will become aware of data relating to the User and/or third parties, some of which cannot be qualified as personal data under current legislation.
MFI will in fact be aware of, among others, data such as:
- the company name and VAT number of the company for which the User performs his activity,
- the province of work,
- the size and type of company the User/third party is working for and the sector in which it operates.
The legislation in force concerning the processing of personal data does not apply to this data, as it applies - by express legal provision - only to data concerning an identified or identifiable natural person.
However, alongside such data, MFI will also become aware of certain data relating to the User and/or third parties, whose data are communicated to MFI by the User, as natural persons (the "Data Subjects") and as a natural person who, instead, as such, will be subject to the application of the provisions set forth in Regulation (EU) 679/2016 (GDPR) and Legislative Decree 196/2003, as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018, as well as the provisions issued on the matter by the Italian Data Protection Authority and, in particular:
- type of user (e.g. company, freelancer, student or press);
- first name, surname and personal image (where included);
- e-mail address, password and telephone number (where provided);
- VAT (if the user is a freelancer or sole proprietor), company function and level;
- indication of the most interesting product categories and thematic topics;
- platform usage data, such as in particular: (i) contact requests to exhibitors or experts, (ii) requests on a specific product, (iii) downloads, (iv) activation of video on demand, (v) registration for events or webinars, (vi) individual pages visited, (vii) duration of visit, (viii)
- frequency of visit, (ix) number of visits, and (x) referrals of certain links leading to registration on CP.
In addition - should Data Subjects participate in in-person events - data relating to their image may also be processed since, during such events, photographs and/or audiovisual footage of the event may be taken by third parties:
(i) entrusted by MFI and, for this purpose, expressly appointed as data controllers and/or
(ii) not traceable to MFI (such as journalists, press offices, private individuals, etc.) that will process personal data as autonomous data controllers, but have committed themselves to MFI to comply with the provisions of current legislation and to comply, as far as possible, with the methods and purposes described herein.
Such data will be processed by MFI for the sole purpose of documenting and promoting its initiatives through printed documents (i.e. printed magazines) and/or web pages, online magazines and the Company's social channels. Therefore, by taking part in such events, Data Subjects consent to the processing and use of their image in the manner and for the purposes set out herein.
The personal data collected will be provided directly by the Data Subjects or by the User or the employing company.
In relation to such data, therefore, MFI - in application of the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR - prepares the following information notice which the User undertakes to read and sign for acknowledgement and, in the event of communication of third party data, to submit to such parties.
In relation to the cookies used by the Platform, the data collected through them and the processing carried out, as well as to express and manage your preferences, please refer to the relevant section available at the following link: https://www.spsitalia.it/it/cookie-policy.
6.2 Legal basis and processing methods
MFI will process personal data collected through the SPS Italia site under various legal bases, such as:
- the performance of the existing contract with the User for the use of the Platform;
- its legitimate interest in carrying out statistical analyses on the use of the Platform and sending marketing communications pursuant to Article 130(4) of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003;
- the fulfilment of legal obligations to which MFI is subject;
- the consent of the person concerned.
The processing of personal data shall take place by means of the operations or set of operations indicated in Article 4(1)(2) of the GDPR and these operations shall be carried out either with the aid of electronic or otherwise automated means.
Personal data will be processed by MFI in compliance with the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of the confidentiality and rights of the Data Subjects, as well as in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, the relevant national provisions in force and by adopting appropriate security measures pursuant to Article 32 of the GDPR.
Personal data shall be processed by MFI and/or by employees duly instructed and trained by MFI and/or by third parties expressly appointed as data processors, where necessary. If the processing is carried out by third parties acting as autonomous data controllers, the same undertake with MFI to comply with the provisions of the current provisions on personal data and to comply, as far as possible, with this statement.
6.3 Purpose of data processing
MFI will process personal data collected through the Platform:
- to enable the User to make full use of the Platform itself, in performance of the contract signed with them (such as in particular to ensure the registration of the User to the Platform, the creation and management of the User's profile, the creation of the User's business card, the access to the content of the Platform and the participation in the events on the Platform, the generation of tickets to the SPS Italia trade fair, the contacting of exhibitors and the scheduling and management of appointments with them, the sending of questions/requests to speakers of online conferences, the invitation of the User's contacts and the sharing of the content of the Platform via Facebook and LinkedIn and the selection of his/her favourite events) (Art. 6(1)(b), Regulation (EU) 679/2016);
- for the fulfilment of legal obligations related to the requested services (Art. 6(1)(c), Regulation (EU) 679/2016);
- to send the User invitations to events and, more generally, marketing communications by e-mail pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Article 130, paragraph 4, Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Art. 6, paragraph 1, letter f), Regulation (EU) 679/2016);
- to perform anonymous statistical analysis and aggregate data on the use of the Platform by Users (Art. 6(1)(f), Regulation (EU) 679/2016);
- to provide the support requested by Users when they decide to contact MFI through the appropriate section of the Platform (Art. 6(1)(b), Regulation (EU) 679/2016);
- to send/display to the User communications, information and content, also in line with the company's business, on services and initiatives of SPS Italia and MFI and to get in touch with companies that may be of interest to the User (Art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. a), Regulation (EU) 679/2016); and
- to communicate Users' data to the exhibitors present at the Fair and/or to third parties with which MFI has contractual relations, in order for them to send promotional communications and advertising material relating to their products and/or services (Art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a), Regulation (EU) 679/2016).
The provision of personal data for the aforementioned purposes, without prejudice to the provisions of the following paragraph, is necessary for the use of the Platform by the User and therefore for the correct establishment and execution of the contractual relationship between MFI and the User and therefore, its provision is compulsory. Any refusal to provide data will make it impossible for MFI to properly execute the contract in place with the User and to ensure the most efficient operation of the Platform.
The provision of personal data for the purpose of sending/sending communications, information and contents, also personalised in line with the company's business, on services and initiatives of SPS Italia and MFI and to get in touch with companies of possible interest (so-called matchmaking service), as well as for the communication of data to third parties to send promotional communications on their products and services is, on the other hand, optional and failure to provide such data will only make it impossible for MFI to proceed with such activities.
6.4 Communication of personal data and their dissemination
Where strictly necessary to achieve the purposes described above, MFI may disclose the personal data collected to the categories of third parties indicated in this paragraph, who shall take measures to maintain the confidentiality of the data received and may not use such information for other purposes.
The data may be communicated to:
- companies that provide MFI with data storage and IT consulting and maintenance services;
- companies belonging to the Messe Frankfurt Group, also abroad;
- subjects, public and private, who have access to the data by virtue of provisions of the law, regulations or Community legislation, or judicial order, within the limits provided for by the rules in force;
- streaming platforms also located in countries outside the EEA (e.g. the United States);
- exhibitors and/or other third parties with whom MFI has contractual relationships and/or other users present on the Platform, where requested by the User or with his/her express consent;
- other suppliers, if requested by the data subject or strictly necessary for the performance of the contract concluded between the User and MFI;
- judicial authorities or law enforcement agencies, if they so request.
- companies/professionals in charge of printing, processing and/or publishing photographs and videos taken at events, as well as managing MFI's social channels or company newspapers/magazines and with which it has contractual relationships.
These persons, where necessary, will be appointed as data processors.
On the other hand, data collected through the Platform will not be disseminated.
6.5 Data Transfer
Data collected through the Platform will be processed within the EEA.
Should it be necessary to transfer the data to third countries outside the EEA for the purposes set out in paragraph 6.3 above, the data will only be transferred to countries for which the European Commission has issued an adequacy decision, or using the so-called standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission or, in any case, in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and subject to a specific assessment of the level of protection afforded to the data in the destination third countries (transfer impact assessment). In the event of transfer of personal data to Third Party Countries, the Company will proceed to communicate all necessary information to Users.
6.6 Rights of the Data Subject
In accordance with the GDPR, the rights granted to Data Subjects in relation to the personal data processed are as follows:
- access: obtaining information about the processing of one's data and a copy of it;
- rectification: if the data subject considers that his or her data is inaccurate or incomplete, he or she may request that such data be rectified or amended in accordance with his or her instructions;
- Deletion: without prejudice to the cases provided for by applicable law, the data subject has the right to request the deletion of his or her data, when: (i) the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and processed; (ii) he or she withdraws his or her consent to the processing; (iii) he or she objects to the processing for direct marketing purposes or to the processing carried out for other purposes and there are no overriding legitimate reasons to continue with the processing; (iv) his or her data are processed unlawfully; (v) the deletion is required by law;
- limitation: the data subject may request the limitation of the processing of his or her data in the cases referred to in Article 18 of the Regulation;
- opposition: the data subject has the right to object to the processing of his data in the cases referred to in Article 21 of the Regulation;
- Withdrawal of consent: where the data subject's data processing is based on consent, he/she has the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time. Such revocation will prevent the continuation of processing carried out on the legal basis of consent, without affecting the lawfulness of processing carried out up to that point;
- data portability: where processing is based on consent, the data subject has the right to receive the data provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and, where technically feasible, to the secure transmission of the data to another data controller.
In order to exercise these rights, the data subject may, at any time, contact the data controller at privacy@italy.messefrankfurt.com or decide, in order to protect his rights and his data, to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, i.e. the Garante della Privacy, or to bring an action before the competent national courts.
6.7 Data retention period
Personal data collected through the Platform will be kept for the period necessary for the proper fulfilment of the existing contract between MFI and the User. In any case, data collected through the Platform will not be retained for more than 10 years after the termination of the relationship itself, unless this is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation or to protect a right of MFI to be brought before a judicial, administrative or other authority.
Notwithstanding the above:
- personal data used for sending marketing communications by MFI pursuant to art. 130, paragraph 4, Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, shall be processed until the data subject objects to such processing, which the data subject may do at any time by sending a specific request to the e-mail address: privacy@italy.messefrankfurt.com, as well as, where present, by clicking on the appropriate link contained in the aforesaid communications and
- Personal data used for sending and displaying personalised content and opportunities for personalised contact with companies that may be of interest to the User will be retained for 24 months from the date of consent and provision of data by the individual concerned.
- User image data will be stored for three months from the date of their collection.
6.8 Data controller
The data controller of the personal data collected via the Platform is Messe Frankfurt Italia S.r.l., C.F. and VAT no. 12632140153, with registered office in Corso Sempione no. 68, 20154 Milan (MI), Italy, in the person of its legal representative pro tempore Donald Joachim Wich, domiciled for this purpose at the registered office.
The data controller may be contacted by data subjects at any time:
- by sending an e-mail to: privacy@italy.messefrankfurt.com;
- by sending a letter to the address: Corso Sempione 68, 20154 Milan (MI) to the kind attention of the Privacy Office or
- by calling: 02 8807 781.
Messe Frankfurt Italia S.r.l. reserves the right to modify or update, in part or in full, the content of this information notice, also as a result of changes in applicable legislation and/or indications of the competent authorities. The updated version of this information notice may be consulted at any time by interested parties in the privacy and consent section of their user profile.
Milan, 14/10/2022