Multi module fieldbus system

EW620 is the new distributed Input Output system for up to 63 modules manufactured by ESA Automation. With 10 different fieldbuses including EtherCAT, CANOpen, modBUS and a multiple configuration of both digital and analog inputs and outputs, it is the ideal solution for distributed control of field device signals. The easy integration with the ESA Automation platform consisting in HMI, control and servodrive and the guarantee of an excellent price/performance ratio mean that the product can be used in different applications and markets not only industrial. The EW620 product cabling solution called Remove Terminal Block (RTB) together with the toolless system allow easy maintenance and management of the multiple connection cables
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IndirizzoVia Masciadri 4/a
22066Mariano C.se (CO)
Product Groups:
Application sector: Food&Beverage , Packaging , Electronic/Electrotechnical
Topics of interest: Advanced Automation
Keywords: #i/o #fieldbus #ethercat #canopen #module