“The roots of Inepro stems back to as far as 1952 and the company changed to its present name in 1992. Since then Inepro has been designing and developing a full range of high quality, smart, electricity meters that are distributed under the brand name inepro Metering. With an extensive range of top quality, certified (MID, UKCA, DE, Metas) Smart electricity meters, inepro Metering is one of the fastest growing metering manufacturers in the market today. Top quality, a strong business focus, expertise and very competitive pricing makes inepro Metering stand out from its competition.
Today inepro Metering offers smart energy meters in different price ranges to suite any user, any application within any environment. The PRO line is a high end range with all possible communication where accuracy and information is a must. The PRO1, single phase series of meters are equipped with 30 registers whereas the PRO380, three phase series has over 70 registers. With a choice for Modbus, M-bus, tariff, S0 output and further sophisticated specifications like 3phase 3wire and 3Phase 4Wire (Aron and Delta) we cover every conceivable need in the market. And if this is not enough we offer the relevant models with 4 quadrant measuring, which is a feature that is very close to an analyzer.
The latest development is The “Ambition” series consisting of 2 types 4 modules, 3Phase S connection or U connection and a 2 modules indirect meter. The ambition series is equipped with a graphic display and Bluetooth for reading and Writing and to make installation efficient inepro developed the Ambition series with Wago Push-In clamps.
All smart meters from inepro are suitable for Panel builders, Electrical installers, Domotica, E-mobility, Photo voltaic a versatile series of meters in which information is KEY to Save Energy and Cost.
With a production facility of 300+ employees and 60 professionals in R&D we produce over 250 different products and “if we don’t have it we can create it”. “
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La nuova soluzione di misura di ENERGIA certificata MID di INEPRO.Versione TRIFASE ad inserzione diretta fino a 65A da 4 moduli DIN, versione TRIFASE per TA esterni 1/5A da 2 moduli DIN. Comunicazione seriale RS485 Modbus RTU ed M-Bus nello stesso strumento. Configurazione tramite APP via Bluetooth o WiFi con scan QR. Visualizzazione dei dati in tempo reale ed invio dati .csv.Dotati di connettori Push-in WAGO.