
The KannMOTION: linear stepper motor with integrated controller

Product Information Sizes (flange: 28x28mm - 86x86mm) Feed forces up to 2300 N Options: encoder, brake, controller, ball screw, Trapezoidal spindle, customer-specific adjustments (nut, length, etc.) advantages linear motion Extensive modular system (spindle pitches, lengths, windings, etc.) Compact design Long life span High feed forces up to 2300N Highest resolutions through micro stepping

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The kannMOTION can do that what it is supposed to do, and that to perfection.

Categoria merceologica: Piccoli motori

Settore di applicazione: Macchine assemblaggio, Packaging, Farmaceutico/Cosmesi/Medicale

Area tematica: Robotica & Meccatronica

Keyword: #stepper #close #loop #integrated #controller