
CMZ provides the "complete package" for motion control.
Hardware, Software, Service: these represent our integrated proposal for machine builders and systems integrators. Our focus is to be the ONE PARTNER for our customers.
Our SERVICE division includes:
-ENGINEERING & CO-DESIGN. Our technical teams (hardware and software) operate side by side with customers' technical designers, supporting them in the development of automatic machines specifically made according to their needs and parameters.
-REMOTE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. Our technical Customer Service area is dedicated to pre and after sales, step by step for secure and fast systems configurations.
-MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS AND PROGRAMS for scheduled actions regularly applied, in aim to keep customers' automatic machine running at highest performance.
-REVAMPING. For old machine to revamp we can give advice, know-how, cost effective solutions.
-REPAIRS. See dedicated web page:
-CMZ ACADEMY is our new division dedicated to trainings and courses focused on industrial motion control. Our Academy is based on interactivity while providing deepest technical knowledge, to bring our clients master some specific subjects related to industrial motion control for Industry 4.0. Courses are basic or advanced, held on-site at CMZ factory or at customer’s factory.
IndirizzoVia dell'Artigianato, 21
31050Vascon Di Carbonera (TV)
Categoria merceologica: Motion control
Settore di applicazione: Packaging , Food&Beverage , Macchine Utensili/Robotica
Area tematica: Robotica & Meccatronica
Keyword: #service #automazione