
5G culture and perspectives

Are manufacturing companies ready to seize 5G opportunities for Digital Transformation?

The players in the sector will answer all the questions that the manufacturing industry is asking to find out how 5G can give life to future solutions and how the potential to evolve can be exploited.

The project is implemented in collaboration with Innovation Post


Aziende 5G (ENG) (Media partners)

5G Area

Mappa 5G (Infografica)

Conference at the fair

Directed by professors Antonio Capone and Giovanni Miragliotta, the meeting entitled "5G e mondo industriale: matrimonio necessario" organized in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, scheduled for Thursday 26 May from 14:30 alle 16:30, in the Arena of Hall 8 of SPS Italia.

The topics addressed will be:

  • Introduction to technology
  • Comparison and involvement of 5G technology vendors for the industrial world
  • Case history