Un produttore leader di sistemi di automazione e azionamento intelligenti
Con sede a Norimberga, Baumüller è un produttore leader di sistemi di automazione e azionamento elettrici. I nostri dipendenti pianificano, sviluppano, fabbricano e installano soluzioni di sistema intelligenti per l'ingegneria meccanica in oltre 40 sedi in tutto il mondo - dagli HMI e software di controllo motion, come PLCopen, ai moduli software e di controlli fino ai servoazionamentii, servomotori elettrici e l'intero programma di servizio per le soluzioni di automazione.
L'ampia gamma di servizi di Baumüller comprende anche le aree di servizio, installazione, assemblaggio e trasferimento. Baumüller è uno dei principali partner di automazione nell'ingegneria meccanica in tutto il mondo.
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Baumueller at a glance

Based in Nuremberg, Baumüller is a leading manufacturer of electric automation and drive systems. Our employees are planning, developing, fabricating and installing intelligent system solutions for mechanical engineering at more than 40 locations worldwide ? from the user interface and motion control software as per PLCopen, software modules and controls all the way to converters, electric motors and the entire service program for automation solutions.
Automation Control

A new dimension of automation With a Baumüller solution, you can make your machines flexible and super-efficient. Our solutions are based on scalable components that can be freely combined and adapted perfectly to your machine topology. The use of standardized interfaces means that your automation solutions from Baumüller are always up to date, future-proof and scalable.
Servodrives Baumuller

b maXX servo controller family Baumüller provides important advantages for its customers with its converters: From cost savings to higher dynamics through to increased safety. Together, the converter series of the b maXX family covers a wide power range from 1 to 315 kW. The b maXX 5000 family includes units that can be mounted side-by-side as well as high-performance mono units. With optional safety packs, all devices in this series can be easily adapted to meet your individual safety needs.