IMS Gear is among the leading gear engineering companies. Providing innovation, we constantly interact with Customers over our global footprint. From our gear tooth solutions to optimized modules and gear systems, we have become firmly established in the automotive industry. We stand out
due to our deep development know-how, broad spectrum of manufacturing capability, high process competence and automotive relevant internationalization. Adding to that is our value-based corporate culture which emphasizes teamwork throughout all levels. We employ approximately 3,200 employees worldwide. We take customer proximity literally: Whether in North America, the Far East or in Europe, we are present with our manufacturing locations in their primary markets. All our locations and sites are capable of starting to make new products almost in parallel. This capability is due to the standardization of our processes. Without much adaption efforts, we can transfer whole production lines to other sites. In Germany, we develop, verify and validate our processes and make our tools. As many hydraulic or pneumatic systems are being replaced by electro-mechanical drives, gearing solutions become increasingly important. We tune into these technological changes at the earliest possible stage and offer tailor-made as well as future-proof solutions which we adopt, fine-tune and then update. Here, our competence in material science allows us to realize solution-driven material combinations.
• Gear and gear technology
• Customized components and assemblies made of plastic, metal and metal/plastic
• Gear solutions as standard product or customized development
• Hardening
• Advanced- and product development
Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 16
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