Automated Industrial Analytics
We help you discover, understand and act faster on insights hidden in your data.
smartFAB is an automated analytics platform that simplifies the entire analytics workflow and matches your level of data maturity. Our real-time AI driven platform combines augmented data discovery, automated analysis, and action-based dashboards into a single integrated tool. Our suite of smart analytics builds a solid foundation on which workers of all skill sets can monitor, decide, and act.
Augmented Data discovery
smartFAB solves data complexity with automation, from connecting multiple data sources to data preparation, to analyzing and investing data sets. Our algorithms do the heavy lifting, so you don’t need a specialized inhouse team.
Automated Analysis
smartFAB employs machine learning and various forms of artificial intelligence to automatically monitor performance, identify critical changes in operations, establish root cause, prescribe recommended actions and predict unwanted results. We analyse your customers’ data for them and notify them when something has changed. It’s a simple way for you to discover significant, complex changes in a sea of data without having to look.
Action-based Dashboards
smartFAB provides contextualized insights that combine charts and tables with narrative in automated easy-to-consume stories that facilitate action. We rank the insights based on impact and importance, so that you know which problems to solve first. We combine domain knowledge and machine intelligence to create a continuous feedback loop, validate performance and enhance user confidence.
We help you discover, understand and act faster on insights hidden in your data.
IndirizzoBastioni di Porta Nuova 21
20121Milan (MI)
Product Groups:
Application sector: Food&Beverage , Rubber/Plastic , Pharma/Cosmetics/Medical
Topics of interest: Industrial IT & AI
Keywords: #analytics #ai #smartfactory #industry4.0