
Fundraising initiative to support Milano's Fatebenefratelli Sacco Hospital

"We love our customer" is the spirit we have been following in 10 years of trade show, together with our customers and partners. Today we complete it with "We love our future".

Visibility on all our channels

On our website, the ticketing and on all our communication touch-points, we will encourage our audience to donate to Sacco's Hospital, one of the front-line facilities in the fight against Covid-19 and also an estabilished Institution for research in the field of infectious disease.

We love our future (copia) (Primo piano)

Make a donation

SPS Community is large, a little effort by everyone will make a big difference!

We encourage you to donate by a bank transfer to ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco:

Recipient: ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco

IBAN: IT 57 W 03111 01603 000000009130


Reason: "sostegno economico per emergenza Covid-19 - sps italia"

Bank: UBI BANCA Via della Moscova, 33 - 20121 MILANO ABI: 03111 - CAB: 01603 C/C: 000000009130

Should you want to donate more than 10.000 Euro, please write an e-mail to before making the payment.

Everyone's contribution matters!