INXPECT S.p.A. - Sense the world in 3D
Inxpect is a young company that has developed, certified and produced the only safety radar systems for industrial and robotics applications: the first application of radar technology to industrial automation that allows for increased safety without compromising productivity. With offices in Italy, Spain, Germany, North America, China, and a comprehensive network of specialized distributors and business partners, Inxpect products are being installed throughout the world in diverse applications, use cases and market segments.
A BEST IN CLASS TEAM - Driving the Radar revolution
Inxpect can count on one of the most specialized and vertical radar technical teams on the planet. With a core of experienced graduates in microelectronics, radio-frequency, software engineering, E.E. and signal processing, and a stellar support staff, the Inxpect team can successfully tackle any challenge in the radar domain, and create the best intelligent radar platform on the market.
Inxpect: a new, smart and reliable choice for safety and productivity in all industrial environments.