C201B CIP Safety
Ethernet and digital I/O

C201B-C provides a safety communication based on CIP
SafetyTM on EtherNet/IPTM. The Inxpect Safety Application
allows the configuration of sensitivity levels, safety
functions, size of detection fields, and the functionality
of the I/O ports of the control unit.
Safety fieldbus
CIP Safety over EtherNet/IP.
Secure Ethernet
Remote configuration and management protected
by industry standard cyber security protocols.
Local configuration option.
Digital inputs
The system has two TYPE3 dual channel inputs. Alternatively,
the four channels can be used as single channel digital inputs
(category 2). Supporting the following functions:
• muting signal
• emergency stop signal
• restart signal
Four Output Signal Switching Devices
As safety outputs: two dual-channel safety OSSDs.
As auxiliary outputs: four auxiliary outputs, which can be
configured as signal restart feedback, fault, muting status.
Dynamic setting of detection fields
The connection allows to have up to 32 configurations
switchable in real time.
SD backup, SD restore
Configurations and login credentials can be saved
and restored via microSD card.
IndirizzoVia del Serpente 91
25131Brescia (BS)
Categoria merceologica: Unità di controllo
Settore di applicazione: Automotive , Macchine Utensili/Robotica , Logistica/Movimentazione
Area tematica: Automazione Avanzata
Keyword: #inxpect #control #unit #cip #safety