BG 95 dPro PN

What does the future of drive technology look like? There are indeed enough different expert opinions and forecasts. But on these points, there are unanimous opinions:
1. The triumphal procession of Industrial Ethernet will continue unabated.
2. Automation will become more transparent because the components can provide much more and better data from the field level.
PROFINET communication is ideally equipped for exactly this. PROFINET is fast, transparent and future-oriented. It is therefore hardly surprising that Dunkermotoren, as a motor technology manufacturer, is making use of this technology. More than two decades of experience with intelligent drives are thus combined with state-of-the-art communication.
Dunkermotoren will by no means be disloyal to itself in the process. On the contrary. It is precisely with PROFINET that Dunkermotoren demonstrates its strength: the integration of electronics in the motor housing. Even the complete PROFINET communication is highly integrated in the motor housing. This eliminates the need for costly gateways. Synchronous communication becomes possible. Even PROFIdrive, with application classes 1 to 4, has been implemented and thus offers, for example, synchronous operation of several axes. Dunkermotoren is the first manufacturer to offer application class 4 completely integrated in the motor housing.
The combination of PROFINET and PROFIdrive, application class 4 completely integrated in drives will set standards. As so often before, Dunkermotoren technology will serve as a model for products from other manufacturers. BG 95 dPro PROFINET is already available. Size BG 66 will follow at the end of 2020 and BG 75 at the beginning of 2021.
IndirizzoAllmendstr. 11
Categoria merceologica:
Settore di applicazione: Elettronica/Elettrotecnica , Logistica/Movimentazione , Macchine Utensili/Robotica
Area tematica: Automazione Avanzata
Keyword: #motors #dunkermotoren #brushless #dcmotor #smart