
Portenta Machine Control

The simplest way to add a powerful brain to your machines

The Portenta Machine Control is a fully-centralized, low power, industrial control unit able to drive equipment and machinery. It can be programmed using the Arduino framework or other embedded development platforms.

The Portenta Machine Control adds Industrial IoT capabilities to standalone industrial machinery. It enables the collection of real-time data from the factory floor and supports the remote control of equipment, even from the cloud, when desired.

Thanks to its computing power, the Portenta Machine Control enables a wide range of predictive maintenance and AI use cases.

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10134Torino (TO)


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Categoria merceologica: Sistemi di controllo compatti (PLC)

Settore di applicazione: Building Automation (inclusi ascensori e sistemi elevatori), Elettronica/Elettrotecnica, Macchine assemblaggio

Area tematica: Automazione Avanzata