
TigoHub i4

IO-Link Wireless Multiport Hub

TigoHub i4 is a Multiport I/O hub that enables IO-Link Wireless connectivity for IO-Link, Digital, and Analog devices. Analog devices can be connected via TigoConverter. Up to 4 IO-Link devices or a combination of 6 IO-Link/DIO devices can be connected to the TigoHub and converted to IO-Link Wireless. TigoHub supports both Class A and Class B IO-Link devices.

TigoHub can be used in a variety of industrial applications, such as:

- Enhancing independent transport track and conveying systems by connecting the TigoHub to multiple devices in parallel, such as grippers, vacuum pumps and sensors on the movers
- Machine retrofit – converting multiple sensors on a machine (such as vibration, air flow) to IO-Link Wireless devices for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance
- Wireless connectivity of multiple sensors and actuators on robots or cobots to increase flexibility and reduce cabling, payload and maintenance

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Categoria merceologica: Comunicazione wireless

Settore di applicazione: Automotive, CPG - Beni di consumo, Packaging

Area tematica: Robotica & Meccatronica

Keyword: #iolinkwireless #iolink #multiport #wireless